For Candidates
ConXion(Pty) Ltd is a recruiting agency and not an employer and act solely as an agent for clients looking to recruit staff.
ConXion(Pty) Ltd will analyse and validate received candidate documentation before providing such to our clients.
ConXion(Pty) Ltd accept that all candidate documentation received reflect correct and true information.
ConXion(Pty) Ltd do not provide any guarantee of employment.
ConXion(Pty) Ltd do not guarantee that provided candidate documentation reflects correct and true information.
ConXion(Pty) Ltd does not charge any fee from applying candidates for positions advertised through our agency.
ConXion(Pty) Ltd only keep unsuccessful candidate records for 3 months after advertised listings.
Helpful Tips When Applying For Jobs
- Make sure you are a fit for the job that you are applying for.
- Time is wasted when you apply for position you aren't qualified for.
- Applying for the same position more than once might indicate disorganization.
- Adapt your CV to fit the job.
- Sending a CV submitted for another position might show a lack of effort.